"The secret to friendship is being a good listener."

"The secret to friendship is being a good listener."
Nothing is Perfect.Life is Messy.Relationships are Complex.Outcomes are Uncertain.People are Irrational. -Hugh Mackay

Signs of a Strong Friendship

What to Look for in a Strong Healthy Friendship

1. They are honest and truthful: A good friend will tell you exactly how they feel, and what they think.
“An honest answer is a sign of true friendship. Proverbs 24:26

2. Friends communicate openly: Good friends want their friendships to be solid. They argue with the intent of compromising/ agreeing to disagree. As a result of honest communication, healthy friendships can continue to grow stronger.

3. Encourage other friendships: Great friends will nurture your relationship, but still encourage you to meet new people and try new things without them. Allowing time apart from each other is healthy.

4. A good friend respects boundaries:

5. A good friend wants their relationship to be solid. They argue with the intent of coming to a compromise  in their friendship, which can mean that they agree to disagree sometimes. As a result of honest communication , healthy friendships won't let underlying tensions or any negativity linger very long.

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